Cut back in autumn (optional)

Most perennials and ornamental grasses that die back to soil level can be cut back in autumn. Cutting back neatens the garden, improves a plant's appearance, and helps bolster next year's flower production. However, some prefer to leave plants alone until spring. Either choice is fine, and it is up to you.

Once a plant has flowered and fertilisation has taken place, it usually directs its energy into producing seeds, not flowers. By cutting back into thicker stems, stronger flowering shoots and a greater number of flowers will be produced.

- Using shears or secateurs, cut stems to the base of the plant. If there is new basal growth, cut just above it. This often happens with Asters and Sedums. 

- Perennials that produce stems from below soil below, including Crocosmia (montbretia) and Paeonia (peony), should be cut back to soil level.

- Attractive stems, flowerheads, or seedheads can be left until spring. Seedheads left over winter are often a source of food for birds and other wildlife.

- Remove and burn any plant material showing signs of disease such as leaf spot, mildew, or rust.

- In early spring, mulch and feed any plants cut back in autumn.

2308 plants