Garden planner

Wasting time scratching out ink circles? Having to re-label your design plans for last minute plant substitutions? Or paying £000s for over-complicated design software built for architects? Don’t be frustrated. Shoot’s professional garden planner is the only software developed specifically for garden designers. It is easy-to-use and affordable.

How we make your life easier

  • Easy to use drag-and-drop circles to scale
  • Import images such as site maps, sketches, your business logo
  • Automatically linked to our database of plant information and images
  • One-click replace all for plant substitutions
  • Infill circles with the plant image, a solid or transparent colour circle, or leave black and white
  • Auto-labels and counts for clusters of circles
  • Save to a paper size and scale
  • Download .csv file of plant quantities to send to your plant suppliers