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Master plant list New
Struggling to keep all your planting ideas and notes in order? Don’t lose track of your most loved – and most unloved – plants. Shoot helps professional garden designers to collate and manage their plant lists all in one convenient place to quickly re-use them in client projects.
Build lists of your ‘go to’, as well as your ‘not to replant’, plant lists for handy future reference
Group your top plants into useful lists, e.g. dry shade, early flowering shrubs, evergreen structural plants
Visualise planting seasons of interest over the year for any list of plants
Quickly populate client garden projects with the best planting
Keep your own notes and content for future use and reference
Review and evaluate planting choices at a glance
Get the Right Plant, Right Place for every client garden
Customise your plant records with the right image and plant name for your projects
Ideal starting tier for garden design students, who do not yet have client projects but need a place to store planting ideas, combinations and substitutes