I assume your Ragwort is flowering now so best time is to do so after flowering.
If your neighbours are complaining you might be able to do a 'trim' that makes it less obstructive and/or tell them you be will cutting it back later this year.
Do not give them permission to cut it though or else you might end up in the same situation as this poor woman [link=www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/lawandorder/5485682/Woman-arrives-home-to-find-neighbours-have-cut-down-garden-trees.html]Woman arrives home to find neighbours have cut down garden trees [/link]
Posted: Friday 12th of June 2009 11:51 AM Last reply: Friday 12th of June 2009 11:51 AM
I've inherited an established Ragwort (Brachyglottis Dunedin 'Sunshine') which has been neglected for some time and is now far too big.
Can anyone tell me when is the best time to prune heavily and how to go about it? It's obstructing my neighbour's view coming off her drive so drastic action is required!
Thanks for you help
Posted: Wednesday 10th of June 2009 04:14 PM Last reply: Monday 9th of September 2024 07:18 AM