Symptoms - Phytophthora is a genus of soil-borne fungi which cause
root rot of herbaceous and woody plants.
On affected trees cracking or bleeding cankers occur at the base of
the trunk or higher up, where complete girdling leads to rapid
death. The symptoms on viburnums are wilted stems leading to death,
signs are seen at the base. Rhododendrons develop a twig and leaf
blight - twigs become brown to black, usually starting at the tip
and moving towards the base; the leaves show dark brown
The spores overwinter in the soil and can be moved around in
run-off water from field sites or from potted plants carrying them.
There are no treatments to clear up infected plants so they should
be removed and destroyed. If practical the soil can be fumigated to
a depth of 15cm before replanting. There are some fungicides which
can be used on healthy plants as a preventitive. Seek professional