Help!! I have all roses covered with green aphids (and brown as well)!! I am in Malvern (climate wise). Yesterday 10th of march 2014 I found all this disaster in the garden. I did washed it with water from the hose, then bought anti aphid's spray and spent almost the whole bottle spraying.. I wonder if somebody ever saw really scary attack on new leaves and stems of roses (literally bunches of this ugly aphids were there) and what do I have to do now?? I do fear if I damaged my roses with the amount of aphid killing spray. Do I have to check roses every day now and collect "aphids-survivors" by hand?? I wonder if it is normal to have such an total infestation at the beginning of March?? Did I miss protective spraying in February?? Please, help! Thank you. O
Ant colonies form a symbiosis with Aphids and actively farm, spread and protect Aphid colonies. You may like to try ant Nematodes to control the ant populations in your garden and this may in turn help to limit the numbers of Aphids.
I grew marigolds in the green house last year and had no green fly. This year peppers and tomatoes have green fly and I haven't planted any marigolds yet! Anybody had success with pest control with companion planting?
Posted: Saturday 29th of May 2010 10:14 AM Last reply: Thursday 27th of February 2025 04:05 PM
I grow Bacopa 'snowflake' which towards the end of summer tends to get leggy - sounds like yours. However, last year as it was still blooming I let it carry on and it provided flowers all through winter on its ever lengthening stems.
In early Spring (March) I eventually cut it back to about 3 ". It took a while to 'get going' but by early summer was blooming away and so far it is still lookling fresh.
Now is a good time to take cuttings - especially as its tender in frost.
Not sure how your post ended up in the Aphids forum topic, other than that aphids are probably the only pest of Bacopas. Here is the plant details page for your [link=]Snowstorm Bacopa[/link]
Posted: Thursday 10th of September 2009 10:23 AM Last reply: Thursday 10th of September 2009 10:25 AM
I am a beginner and not sure about how to take care of my bacopa plant. It feels dry and is turning brown on top but still green on long flowing stems. it is in a hanging basket sitting on my window ceil. also, im not sure how to prune it. can you help??
Posted: Wednesday 9th of September 2009 05:07 PM Last reply: Monday 3rd of March 2025 08:56 AM